Art & Illustration
Elle Wild is represented by Catching Stars Gallery
on Bowen Island

Inspired by nature
Elle Wild's fanciful sketches and ink illustrations are influenced by her surroundings and the creatures that inhabit the rugged West Coast of Canada. She lives on an island named after the bones of lost whales.
Catching Stars Gallery

The Ruddy Raven
(Corvus Corax)
A clever but greedy creature, this winged thief steals from the plates of unsuspecting tourists at The Ruddy café on Bowen Island, then chortles from the rooftops above. Some say that if you listen closely, the Ruddy raven will call out the names of recently departed, or even impart a short message from lost souls.
Catching Stars Gallery

The Island Jackalope
(Lepus Cornutus)
Since the first European settlers arrived on Bowen Island in 1874, the jackalope has been hunted to the point of extinction. Rare sightings of this wondrous creature might be made in the golden light of dusk, in Garry oak woodlands or grassy meadows, where licorice fern and chocolate lily grow.
Catching Stars Gallery

The Barred Owl
of Bowen Bay
(Strix Varia)
The barred owl of Bowen Island is a wise but untrustworthy character. According to local legend, if you answer this particular owl’s haunting cry of “Who cooks for you?”, the bird will respond with a family secret. However, it is also said that the creature is a shapeshifter who enjoys working mischief.
Catching Stars Gallery